Welcome to the Glossary of Terms for Get Woke, Go Broke, The Card Game

Let’s dive into this glossary and find out what all the fuss is about! And remember, laughter is the best medicine, except maybe for treating actual medical conditions. For everything else, there’s "Get Woke, Go Broke, The Card Game."

Happy gaming, and remember: in the world of "Get Woke, Go Broke the card game" the only thing more dangerous than ignorance is taking yourself too seriously. Let the games begin!

  • Why You're Here

    So, you've stumbled upon a term or two in the game that made you go, "Huh?" Or maybe you're here because you're convinced we made it all up. Well, buckle up, buttercup! This is where we peel back the curtain and show you the wizard... of laughs, gaffs, and a whole lot of "Aha!" moments.

  • The Glossary

    This handy dandy glossary is your go-to for decoding the wild, the witty, and the what-the-heck-were-they-thinking terms found in our game. From the politically charged to the downright dirty, we've got the lowdown on every card's background, complete with those juicy articles and sources that back up our shenanigans. You're welcome!

  • Disclaimer (Because We Gotta)

    Remember, folks, this glossary is as serious as we are in the game – which is to say, not very. It's all in good fun, and while the terms and references are rooted in reality, our take on them is meant to entertain, not educate (well, maybe a little bit of both).

  • The Real Deal

    Ultimately, "Get Woke, Go Broke: The Card Game" and this glossary are about sparking conversations, challenging perspectives, and having a ridiculous amount of fun while doing it. So dive in, explore the terms, and come back armed with knowledge – or at least a few good jokes.



A terrorist organization that pretends to be anti-fascist but commits fascistic acts in a mob as a rule on anyone they do not agree with. They also wear face masks knowing full well they will likely be committing crimes and they want to remain anonymous. They’re coward bullies that are the useful idiots of China, Russia, and the establishment. Antifa is present all over the Western world to try to spread fascism.

Baby Batter



Engaging in sexual acts with animals.  There is a seemingly growing progressive desire to legalize this practice, between the humans identifying as animals and direct sentiments of allowing such things.

Black Lives Matter (BLM)

A Marxist, racist, leftist organization that funnels donations to greedy people that have no integrity.  The name alone is both manipulative and divisive in nature. First, it claims to care about black lives but it generally only helped the lives of the ones that started it while at the same time both participating in and provoking other lives (including many black lives) to become worse or even end.  Secondly, anytime a group defines itself in a way that separates itself from the rest of the population, especially using immutable characteristics, it undermines the ideas that being American does not mean being of a certain skin tone.  Like Ronald Reagan’s last speech as president, when you become a citizen of this country you become American.  There is no inherent American “race” like there is in many other countries.  To be an American means simply to be a citizen of The United States, not to be a specific skin tone.  Just imagine if the KKK was called White Lives Matter.

Carbon Credits

A bullshit scam invented by wealthy assholes to get dumb, often poor people who have self-loathing about the climate to voluntarily give their money to those wealthy people to feel better.  It’s essentially paying a penance for your earthly environmental sins.


Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone/Capitol Hill Occupied Protest was an area of Seattle, Washington that was taken over by domestic anarchist terrorists, propped up by Democrat media and politicians.  It was supposed to be some bat shit crazy experiment as to how society would run under total anarchy or some stupid shit.  Spoiler alert, it failed hard, two people died, others were injured and all sorts of damage was done to the area.  The occupation went from June 8th, 2020 to July 1st, 2020.  This was part of the George Floyd riots that were the excuse for $2B in damage and, more importantly, dozens lives lost.  Fake news media has always labeled them as mostly peaceful protests when they were CLEARLY riots.


The external rear orifice of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and some mammals that is for all things gross and some things fun for those species.


A beta male who is so morally weak he can watch someone else have sex with his woman and not protest.


Calling someone by their birth name when they have chosen a new name for themselves because naming yourself is a totally normal thing to do.


Kill the current people that live in a certain geographic location regardless of how long they have been there or who was originally there.  This term is typically used in support of the second most recent people to control said area.

Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Diversity Equity and Inclusion is a practice by businesses that is wholly against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the way it is practiced. The businesses are all but forced to engage in this practice from the companies that issue ESG scores. The goal is to scrap meritocracy and excellence as your primary hiring method but to hire based on “race” to have a specific employee base that is representative of the US population regardless of the population of those who would choose said job/career, or even of local population. It’s a strong move towards Communism in the way that it decides who works what jobs and who doesn’t. In that way it’s societal control of business.


To strive for everyone to have the same outcome regardless of effort.  Essentially, it’s a bandwagon philosophy.  Those pulling the wagon will bring those sitting on the wagon and they all end up in the same place.  It can only encourage more people to get on the wagon and less to pull it.

Environmental Social Governance (ESG)

Environmental Social Governance is a social credit scoring system that sets rules for companies to follow to stomp out exceptionalism and meritocracy.  An EGS score is given to corporations by the bullies that implement the system to get them to fall in line.  The investment companies that control the system, direct so much capital through 401(k) and other investments, that all other companies have little choice but to obey the rules lest they be exiled from the market in a big way.


A person who lets the establishment government, media, and companies do their thinking for them. These individuals think they actually have free thought but they are simply parrots to whatever their thought leaders say. They have been proven to have no limit to their subservience in a lot of cases from mandated experimental pharmaceuticals to sexually disable children through mutilation, with a dash of being against the best climate-friendly technologies like natural gas and nuclear in the name of climate science.

Fuck Around and Find Out (FAFO)

"Fuck Around and Find Out" (often abbreviated as FAFO) is a colloquial expression that serves as a stark warning or a challenge. It implies that if someone continues with their current, often reckless or problematic, behavior, they will face the natural, usually negative, consequences of their actions. It suggests an almost inevitable retaliation or outcome that will serve as a direct response to one's actions, emphasizing the lesson to be learned from such behavior.


Grooming someone through positive feedback to believe certain things or act a certain way. It is generally easy to indoctrinate children and younger or less powerful people but can also indoctrinate themselves. This is a good thing if the behaviors are good which are being taught but the term is often associated with negative and deceptive tendencies.


Not what happened on January 6th, 2021. Close to what happened on May 29th, 2020.


Not Nazis.


Male superiority over women.

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSP)

A mental disorder in which a caretaker makes up or causes fake symptoms in a child to get attention. It can be a form of child abuse and is often seen in mothers of young children.

North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA)

The North American Man Boy Love Association is about as bad as it sounds. It’s a gay pedophile organization that has been trying to normalize sexuality and freedom of choice to consent for children.  It has too many similarities to the trans cult with the consent ideologies.

Neo Vagina

A hole formed in the crotch area of a male to represent a vagina that needs to be held open with a device called a dilator so it doesn’t heal closed.  Males who have this wound will have a lifetime of infections with a high chance of early death as a result.  It’s generally so another male can penetrate it for pleasure.  As a result of the regular infections, it often stinks to high hell.

Non-player Character (NPC)

Non-player Character is a character created in a video game that gives a minimal amount of set responses to interactions with them. They are not controlled by a player, they run on the most rudimentary programming.



Prison Wallet

Your colon


A practice used in the 60s through the 90s even though it was outlawed in the 70s which would deny home loans to people based on skin color, mostly black Americans, and the racial makeup of neighborhoods the loans were to be used in. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was offered as a way to virtue signal by the Democrat party and it was intended to fail but it received more support from the Republican Party causing it to pass and become law. Redlining was somewhat of a consolation Democrats used to help get over their grief over the passing of the Civil Rights Act. Often, either party will introduce a law that has no chance to pass as a way to virtue signal.


A racist modern and long-held Democrat practice of separating people based on the color of their skin in effort to enable and enhance division among the people.  The modern iteration is sold to dumb kids as a way to seem gracious to have spaces for minorities because the past was not always kind to them but it effectively creates a social barrier between students dividing them.  When you portray segregation as a good social practice, in a place of learning especially, it will culminate out into the world as many other practices in universities do.


The act of sending a SWAT team to someone’s business or residence with the hopes of getting them injured or killed from the armed, high threat alert.  This practice can be done by any asshole on the internet with a grudge and the know-how.



When speaking of a token person it is the virtue signaling of friendship where someone has a friend of said ethnicity just to check a box. There are many reasons to have friends but having one because of their ancestry is quite ridiculous.

Virtue Signal

To pretend to care about something as if to appear to be a better person. Often those who virtue signal also try to manipulate or browbeat others into caring for said thing. In reality, they couldn’t care less.

White Flight

A supposed practice where white people migrate out of an area that has a growing non-white population.  The actual practice is more likely a result of cultural differences and the effects of said differences.

White Fragility

The fear white people supposedly have talking about tough racial issues with minorities (or majorities on the global scale). White liberals often have this and overcompensate with wild damning statements trying to tiptoe through the minefield of rules on how to treat minorities as equals when it often comes effortlessly from the right.

White People

Not demons.


An adult human female. (Not that anyone here would misunderstand this one.)

Woman Face

It’s similar to black face but towards women. It’s a common practice today to pretend to be a woman to either mock women, gain some advantage over them, or flaunt the resentment you have for them everywhere you go.